Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Worst Time of the Year

Fuck the cold
There are probably many reasons why I hate the cold. some examples:
1. I grew up las vegas
2. I hate wearing clothes
3. Who likes the fucking cold?
Normally I spend most of the winter months complaining and plotting a move to the equator. 
Instead, here are some reasons to actually enjoy the coldest parts of the year (besides christmas, because of course everyone loves christmas. everyone)

You can shiver in public and people assume you are cold instead of crazy

The whales of the land can make use of their blubber

If you don't feel like riding a bike/walking places/going outside/getting out of bed then you have an excuse to be a sloth for like months

Hairy legs are acceptable and even add a layer of warmth

If the sun goes down around four then its alright to be kinda drunk by five, right?

Eating for the sake of insulation

There are probably some other (better) reasons to like the cold. Actually I think there are some people who do activities (skiing? snowboarding?what?) that require cold and snow. Also they stay outside! Those people are crazy.